PTA (Parent Teacher Association)
Fun. Friends. Funds.
The Ilam School PTA (Parent Teacher Association) is a registered charity which has two very clear aims:
- To be a link between the school and families, bringing the whole school community closer together.
- To raise money to donate to the school, in order to provide equipment and materials which improve the school for everyone.
As a parent/caregiver of an Ilam student, you are already part of the PTA — it takes many hands to make a PTA successful.

The PTA Committee
The PTA Committee serves as the coordination group of the PTA activities and fundraising events, working in with the principal, administration team and school leadership.
Like every volunteer group, there are specific roles: chairperson, treasurer, secretary. But there is also space for helpers with a particular interest — for instance, one member loves organising the Second-hand Uniform Sale each term. Another coordinates the children’s annual Calendar Art project.
Other recent events the PTA has delivered to our whanau include:
- Hot chocolate morning
- Movie night
- School disco
- Bake sale
All of which cannot be staged without multiple people offering to spend an hour, a morning, an evening — whatever they can spare — helping out.

School Values
One of the values of Ilam School (which our learners are exposed to every day) is “I give back”.
Getting involved in the hum of the school yourself, even in a small way, is a great way to model the behaviour you wish to see grow in your child.

The PTA Committee meets for a focussed meeting on the second Tuesday of each month at 7.30pm, in the school staffroom. For larger fundraising concepts, special project teams are formed to focus on the details.
Keep an eye on the Ilam News (the school email newsletter) for notice of the next PTA meeting, or see the school calendar on our homepage. Come along and meet some of the lovely folk who are just like you — they also want Ilam School to be the best it can be, for every child.
Or, if you’ve got questions, drop an email to
This year, in what way can you support the PTA to strengthen our school community and raise some funds?
To contact the PTA Chairperson
Please email
Want to be on the PTA Committee?
Committee members of the PTA are active leaders in the kura/school.
The most valuable skills parents or whanau can bring to the PTA Committee are:
- Working well as part of a team
- Having a can-do attitude
- Wanting the very best for our tamariki/children
Notice of the Annual General Meeting will be made through the school newsletters.